Excel Shortcuts for “Paste Values” and “Paste Formatting Only”

When you need to paste only the values or the formatting from copied data in Excel, do you typically right-click or use the options in the Paste menu? While this works, there’s a faster way! Here are some keyboard shortcuts that can help streamline this process.

Main Shortcut: Paste Special Menu – Ctrl + Alt + V

  1. Copy the Data
    • Select the cells you want to copy, then press Ctrl + C.
  2. Access the Paste Special Menu
    • Instead of simply pasting, press Ctrl + Alt + V. This opens the Paste Special dialog box, where you can select specific paste options.

To Paste Values Only – Ctrl + Alt + V, then V, Enter

If you only need the values from your copied data (without any of the formatting), use the following steps:

  • Press Ctrl + Alt + V to open the Paste Special menu.
  • Press V, then Enter. This selects “Values” in the menu and pastes only the data.

To Paste Formatting Only – Ctrl + Alt + V, then T, Enter

If you want to apply only the formatting of the copied cells to the new location, here’s the shortcut:

  • Open the Paste Special menu with Ctrl + Alt + V.
  • Press T, then Enter. This pastes only the formatting from the copied data.


Using these shortcuts can make your Excel tasks faster and more efficient:

  • Ctrl + Alt + V – Open Paste Special
  • Ctrl + Alt + V, V, Enter – Paste Values Only
  • Ctrl + Alt + V, T, Enter – Paste Formatting Only

Give these shortcuts a try and see how they enhance your productivity!

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